Sesam Workflows Downloads

Floating Wind: Frequency Domain

Download FilesRelease DateFile SizeDescription
Example Workspace27 February 20242.59 GBZip file to import to Sesam Manager
Tutorial27 February 20244.78 MBTutorial describing how to run the Frequency Domain workflow
Software Package29 May 20242.29 GBSesam Products for floating wind Frequency Domain analyses

Floating Wind: Time Domain

Download FilesRelease DateFile SizeDescription
Plate Buckling Tutorial: Simple Model20 August 20245.76 MBTutorial describing how to set up buckling check of a simple plate model
Plate Buckling Tutorial: EMULF Delta Floater07 June 202415.29 MBTutorial describing how to run a Time Domain buckling analysis using the
direct load generation method
Tutorial and Examples: OC4 and EMULF Delta Floater12 July 202476.4 MBPython examples demonstrating how to run Time Domain FLS and
ULS analyses for floating wind. See also the corresponding GitHub Repository
Software Package11 June 20242.08 GBSesam Products for floating wind Time Domain analyses